
The Mystery Below - Chapter 7

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Chapter 7
Nothing much

When Tintin got out of the hospital wing he was feeling better than in a long time, but he never got to experience any adventures. Merry and Pippin told him what they had found out and the anticlimax of the silent portraits made it even harder. Tintin didn't know where to start now! But he did speak with Spirou, but he didn't either have anything to add. He and Fantasio had been asking some portraits about what they had seen or heard, but they didn't know or didn't want to say. The closest thing to a clue was when the Lady by the Lake said that she didn't know anything but that she had been scared away from her frame by a sharp light the night before the disappearance of the boy.
Tintin had no other choice than trying to postpone this research, for he had no trails. He tried his hardest to figure out what to do, but not even his sharp brain knew. He told Haddock that he had done what he wanted Tintin to do. Life was back to normal. Life was back to boring.
Tintin kept to himself. He was disappointed that he didn't have anything more to go on and never thought a day would come when he couldn't solve a mystery. Lessons went by and even Sherlock did seem to be leaving him alone.
For Sherlock though it was awkward. Everybody were chatting more than ever about how he and Watson had that "lovers' quarrel", for the rumour spread like a fire throughout the school. Watson did his best to ignore Sherlock for a couple of days which was very impressive as they still kept having classes together.
Sherlock would tell Watson if he needed something and Watson would toss it at him without even looking. The students probably found it more awkward than the professor and his assistant. It didn't really occur to Sherlock that he should apologise. When he had rushed out of the office after that lesson when they had been arguing Sherlock had walked to Calculus office to complain.
"You should give John some days off. Or more. He seems to be very tired." Sherlock tried to sound nonchalant when he said it, but everyone, even the almost deaf Calculus, could hear that he was irritated.
"Did you have a fight?" Calculus put his wand to his ear. Sometimes it helped his hearing.
"What? No! Maybe. He had a fight with me."
"It takes two to tango."
"We didn't dance, we fought!"
Sherlock face palmed.
"So, get out here and apologise to him. You know you're nothing without him, professor Holmes."
Sherlock never did apologise. He didn't get it why people thought it was up to him. Watson obviously thought so as well. It was obvious. The students seemed to think the same. But it was obvious that Watson felt like he wasn't important and had to take it out in a fury and blaming it on Sherlock. This was nothing and Sherlock thought that maybe, if he was lucky, Watson would let it go by a couple of days or weeks.
"Professor Holmes." A student came up to Sherlock as he was thinking by the desk and almost scared, but only almost. "I just thought you should know that lesson is over."
Sherlock glanced over the kids shoulder and could see how all the other kids were ready to leave. Sherlock sighed.
"You didn't have to walk up to the desk. Now take you things and leave!"
The kids rushed out of the classroom except for the one that had walked up to him.
"Professor, is something wrong? You seem kind of out of it today."
"I'm all fine!"
"But you didn't even realise when Watson left or when we spoke to you."
That was probably the wakeup call for Sherlock. All of a sudden he realised that his mind had gone numb from all the thinking about John Watson and his senses had gotten distracted by the man. Sherlock suddenly stood up.
"What's your name kid?"
"Stan. Stan Marsh."
"I'll do my best to remember that name, kid." Sherlock gave the boy a quick smile before rushing out of the room, even leaving his coat on the chair. The black haired kid just stood there and stared after the man.
Sherlock knew where Watson would have gone. It was too obvious. He had known the man for too many years now. Sherlock rushed out to the courtyard. There he was. Sherlock smiled. Almost hidden by a big oak tree he was sitting and seemed to be resting. There wasn't many people out here now for it was already in the middle of November and extremely cold.
"Are you seriously insane for sitting here in the cold?" Sherlock smiled at the words but didn't get much of a response. "But still I knew I would find you here. You really are an idiot."
"I never thought you would remember." John finally raised his gaze and looked upon Sherlock.
"How come?"
"I didn't think this place was important enough for you. You haven't returned here even once since we came back."
"What good would it come from returning here?"
"People do that, Sherlock."
"I remember every time we've been here without returning, John."
They both looked at each other in silence until John suddenly started smiling. It was a warm smile that made Sherlock forget completely about the coldness around. John patted the root beside him and Sherlock sat down.
"I know you're no good with manners and how to act around people, Sherlock, yet I too often hope that you have become to understand me. But don't worry; it will take a lot for our friendship to die."
Sherlock couldn't say much at that remark. As long as he had John by his side it was all okay. Even back when they were both students at Hogwarts themselves it had always been okay whenever he had John with him. Even if they were in different houses it was always okay. It had always been like that. Sherlock was nothing without John and he did know it. He just didn't want to admit it to himself.
When almost two weeks had passed since the disappearance of Kyle Broflovski and they had no clues they changed the curfew and now they could spend the days the way they wanted, but after dinner they had to go to their common rooms.
Even though students were encouraged not to walk around alone, Tintin decided to take a walk by himself. It was in the beginning of November now and the Quidditchteams were practicing harder than ever. Soon it was the first game of the year so Tintin took this opportunity to walk passed the pitch. Gryffindor was practicing for now and in the stands sat the fangirls and they were screaming and cheering for Kirk. Of course. Tintin stayed on the ground and watched them fly through the air.
He could see that Kirk was the keeper and did a very good job. On another broom he could see Luke Skywalker, a guy in his fifth year, who seemed to be one of the chasers. He also seemed very skilled. Tintin thought that he could also see Frodo Baggins, Rory Williams, Amy Pond, Finn Hudson and Phoenix Wright up there, but could not see the seeker anywhere. During Tintin's second year he had tried out as the seeker, but when he failed and got offered a place as a chaser instead he didn't care. It was seeker or nothing. Since then he didn't bother much with watching others play Quidditch. He usually felt a little bit of anger whenever he saw the seeker. But now the guy who was seeker when Tintin had tried out had graduated. Tintin was curious to see who it would be.
It took a while before the person finally showed up. It was no other than Spirou. He seemed to have been high up, for now he came from straight above with the snitch in his hand. The others applaud and Kirk who was Captain praised him a lot. Soon half of the team left for a break and the other half stayed in the air. Tintin decided to walk up to them.
"Spirou, I had no idea you played Quidditch." Tintin had his hands in his pockets and tried to look calm, but deep inside he could feel that he was jealous.
"Tintin! I haven't seen you for so long." Spirou ran the last distance between them and seemed really happy to see the other boy.
"So you are the seeker?"
"Well yes, it's my first year! I'm so excited!"
"It's only a week or two until your first game, right?"
"Yes, we're competing against Slytherin eight days from now."
"I may come watch and cheer for you."
"That would be so awesome!" Spirou swept his broom through the air in excitement. "I've never seen you come to any game!"
"I'm not much for watching Quidditch." That was a lie. Tintin loved to watch it but he couldn't admit that he was just childish and resentful.
"But I've heard you are excellent on the broo-" Spirou never got to finish that sentence for a huge scream was heard throughout the pitch.
Tintin reacted in an instant and turned around. He searched for the source of the sound and started running within a second. He didn't make it before the broom and the rider fell down on the ground with a loud sound. Tintin threw himself to the ground and picked up his wand, just to be ready.
"Can you hear me?"
It was Rory Williams who were laying at the edge of the field. Tintin hadn't been able to catch what had happened for he had his back turned.
"What happened?" Rory finally said and moved his arm, but flinched in pain.
Now the other teammates had reached the scene and more people joined them. Kirk and Finn were the one who saw that one of the bludgers had attacked when he wasn't looking and had hit him from behind. Rory on the other hand didn't remember anything.
As they had gotten Rory on the stretcher Amy was the one to follow, even though she wasn't needed. She seemed to be utterly worried even though she always claimed that Rory was just "another teammate".
There was an awkward silence as they walked away and left the team, the fangirls and Tintin on the pitch. The girls were waiting to hear if practice was over and Tintin just didn't know what to do for know. They were all waiting for Kirk to say something.
"We will have a meeting in the changing room. Tintin, can you come too?"
Tintin was surprised, but didn't argue. Those who hadn't left with Rory were only Kirk, Spirou and Frodo so it wasn't a big meeting and the changing room felt very big and empty.
"I have a feeling Rory won't be playing next week." Kirk said.
"But we'll be lost without him!" Frodo claimed.
"We'll need a reserve." Spirou said.
Everybody looked at Tintin and it seemed like they thought that was the end of the conversation.
"No! I'm not playing." Tintin still felt childish and didn't want to play unless he would be the seeker. He didn't have any passion for any other position.
"Tintin, it's only for this week. After the match we have until next year and then Rory will be back." Kirk tried his hardest to convince Tintin. "You are one of the best players I know and you are both strong and fast. You would be a perfect beater."
They all looked at Tintin and suddenly Tintin couldn't say no any longer. They all screamed with joy and danced around the room. Tintin sneaked out, wondering if he had done the right thing.
I'm so sorry again and I don't have the energy to even look at this chapter right now. I'll proofread it tomorrow together with chapter 6. I know that not many people are reading as I upload so I guess it's okay.
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